
017 Weather Report is so accurate

@April 15, 2009

Today morning I heard news from TV that today may be raining suddenly in the later time. Since last Friday, I threw away my umbrella due to broken on the stick, I haven't bought a new one. Also I didn't want to bring the long umbrella. Therefore, I imagined and pretended that today may not be raining.

Morning is a nice weather, lunch time is just strong windy, afternoon is still not raining. Worked so concentrated and late, when I went down the lobby of IFC II, I saw raining outside.

Went forward and went back to the reception, I finally decided to borrow an umbrella with $20 deposit. 

Slim rain with the street light, seems like snow falling down. 

When I arrived the underground of my home, it is not raining at all. Will tomorrow be raining? I just want to bring 1 umbrella only.

Today was the last meeting of this project, very good meeting, cost 5 minutes only. Result Summary was completed as earlier than expected and the remaining part was revising by senior. Manual was also in good progress, remain 2 Appendixes. Data Checking was progressing half.

